TMJ Treatment
TMJ Treatment in Metro Atlanta
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders describe a whole range of problems related to the complex jaw joint. TMJ is the name for each joint (right and left) connecting your jaw and skull. If you’re experiencing jaw pain, stiffness, or a “clicking” feeling when you open and close your mouth, call on the seasoned team of surgical professionals here at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery. We’ve been helping patients in the Metro Atlanta area overcome TMJ-related discomfort for 40 years, and we have the skills and expertise to deliver the same unrivaled services to you. Luckily, TMJ problems are more easily diagnosed and treated than ever before, ensuring you can get the help you need to chew, talk, and laugh without worry. Please keep reading to learn more about TMJ disorders or contact us now to schedule an appointment.

What Causes TMJ Disorders?
TMJ disorders can develop for a wide range of reasons, so it’s best to get a clear and concise diagnosis from our professionals to have us treat it accordingly. Whether you’re dealing with a misaligned bite, grating noises, or something else that doesn’t quite seem right with your jaw, our doctors will be able to provide you with more accurate diagnostics when you schedule an appointment with us. The following circumstances could be the underlying cause of TMJ:
- Clenching or grinding teeth
- Damaged jaw joint
- Injury and trauma
- Arthritis
- A slipped disk in the jaw joint
Symptoms of TMJ
TMJ symptoms typically occur when the jaw joints and the chewing muscles fail to work together correctly. Some symptoms of TMJ disorder include the following:
- Waking up with sore, stiff muscles around the jaw
- Teeth grinding
- Worsened pain when clenching your teeth
- Frequent, unexplainable headaches or neck aches
- Clicking, popping, or grating sounds when you open your mouth
- Your jaw feels like it catches or locks when opening the mouth
- Eating, laughing, yawning, or talking becomes difficult or painful
- You already have been diagnosed with arthritis
- Your teeth or unexplainably worn, loose, or broken
- You notice it has become difficult for you to bite and tear food with your front teeth
- Your teeth no longer touch when you bite down or meet differently than before
Treatment for TMJ
No one treatment can completely resolve TMJ disorders, and it can often take time for treatment to become effective. However, a complete evaluation of your condition must be conducted to discover your unique diagnosis. Our primary goal is to help patients relieve joint pain and muscle spasms often associated with the disorder. This is typically accomplished through a combination of doctor-provided care – like muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory medications, splints, and orthotic stabilization – as well as the following self-care practices:
- Resting your jaw
- Wearing a nightguard
- Keeping your teeth apart when you are not swallowing or eating
- Eating soft foods
- Applying ice and heat
- Exercising your jaw
- Practicing good posture
- Stress management techniques
No Matter the Scope, AOFS Can Help
If your TMJ disorder is causing problems with how your teeth fit together, you may require advanced treatment. From bite adjustment treatment and restorative dental work to accommodating orthodontics and surgical solutions such as arthroscopy, we can deliver all the treatment options necessary to relieve TMJ symptoms.
TMJ Treatment FAQs
Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery is happy to answer your frequently asked questions about TMJ treatments. We want you to feel secure and confident about our TMJ services.
Who Is At Risk For TMJ?
TMJ disorder is common. It usually occurs in people ages 20 to 40, and women are four times more likely to suffer from it than men.
What Is TMJ?
TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint that sits in front of your ear and is responsible for the movement of your jaw joint. TMJ includes symptoms that often stem from muscles and your jaw point. Symptoms of TMJ disorder include pain in your teeth, ears, nerves, headaches, muscles, and more.
If My Jaw Pops, Do I have TMJ?
Popping jaws don’t always mean you have TMJ disorder. Many people have intermittent clicking of their jaw joints. If your jaw is the only thing popping, it can be many other minor things. If you experience headaches or jaw pain with your popping jaw, you may have TMJ.
What Causes The Symptoms Of TMJ?
Many things may cause TMJ, including car accidents, sports injuries, grinding your teeth, excessive gum chewing, trauma to the jaw, or bite issues.
Do I Need Surgery For TMJ?
Surgery is often the last resort for TMJ disorder. Most TMJ treatments begin with non-invasive options. If we need to do surgery, we offer arthroplasty, arthroscopy, and complete joint replacement. We’ll assess each TMJ case to determine the best possible treatment for positive results.
What Are Non-Invasive Treatment Options For TMJ?
You can often treat TMJ problems at home under the medical direction of a doctor. Some therapies include a cold pack or heating pad, a massage, or by eating soft foods. Many people also find relief with splint therapy, a mouth guard, and pain-relieving medication.
How Do I Know If I Have TMJ Disorder?
The truth is that everyone has TMJ. The problem is when you get TMJ disorder. When these joints start to feel painful and full of tension, you may have a disorder. Besides pain in your jaw, you may also feel muscle tension and inflammation in other areas of your body.
Contact Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery For TMJ Treatment
If you think you may have TMJ disorder, contact Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery. We’ll help you find the root of the problem and alleviate the symptoms. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.