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Emergency Dental Extraction in Atlanta, GA

Dental emergencies often require swift action, especially when dealing with severe pain, trauma, or infection. Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery performs emergency dental extraction services in Atlanta, GA. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency requiring tooth removal, we’re here. Reach out to us for same-day emergency dental care.

Group of friends smiling while in a group hug

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency typically includes any condition causing severe pain, bleeding, or infection that cannot wait for a regular dental appointment. The most common dental emergency examples include:

  • Persistent toothaches or throbbing pain
  • Trauma to the mouth leading to cracked, broken, or knocked-out teeth
  • Swelling in the gums, face, or jaw
  • Dental infections or abscesses
  • Uncontrollable bleeding from the mouth

When Do You Need an Emergency Dentist?

An emergency dentist specializes in treating urgent dental issues that require immediate attention. Not all toothaches or discomforts are considered emergencies. You should seek emergency care if:

  • You’ve suffered trauma causing visible damage.
  • Pain is severe and will not respond to over-the-counter medications.
  • An abscess or infection is present, often accompanied by swelling or fever.
  • There is continuous bleeding that doesn’t stop with standard at-home care.

Common Emergency Dental Services

Emergency dental treatment services are tailored to alleviate discomfort, prevent complications, and restore oral health. There are various services designed to address dental emergencies promptly, including:

  • Tooth Extraction – For significantly damaged or decayed teeth that can’t be saved.
  • Root Canal Therapy – To treat infected or inflamed tooth pulp.
  • Bonding or Crowns – To repair minor fractures or broken teeth.
  • Management of Pain and Infection – Includes prescription antibiotics or medications to manage swelling and discomfort.
  • Reimplantation – If performed quickly after a tooth is knocked out, the tooth can sometimes be saved.

Why Might You Need an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

An emergency tooth extraction is performed when a tooth impacts a patient’s oral health. The most common reasons for emergency tooth extractions include:

  • Trauma – An emergency dental extraction may need to be performed when a patient experiences dental trauma like sports injuries, car accidents, or falls.
  • Infections – Infections in teeth or gum tissue can be caused by impacted wisdom teeth, tooth decay, or failed root canals.

Signs You May Need an Emergency Tooth Extraction

Our experienced team will assess your oral problems to determine if you need an emergency tooth extraction. Some of the most common signs you may need an emergency tooth removal include:

  • Severe mouth pain
  • Fever or chills
  • Blood or pus coming from a tooth
  • Foul taste or odors
  • Difficulty opening your mouth

Tooth Extraction Process

If a dental extraction is required, we’ll help you stay calm and comfortable. The tooth extraction process includes:

  • Step 1 – We administer a local anesthetic to numb the affected area, ensuring you don’t feel pain during the procedure. IV sedation may also be available for patients needing additional comfort.
  • Step 2 – The tooth is carefully loosened and removed using special dental tools. If the tooth is impacted or securely anchored in place, we may section the tooth into smaller pieces for easier removal.
  • Step 3 – After extraction, you’ll receive instructions on how to care for the area. This often includes rest, avoiding certain foods, and using an ice pack to reduce swelling. Pain medications or a follow-up appointment for additional steps may also be provided.

Why Choose Us for Emergency Dental Extractions?

If you’re searching for an emergency oral surgeon near Atlanta, we’re here for you. Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery has 25 locations that are dedicated to your dental health and restoration. Since 1980, we’ve been committed to you. Our team of board-certified surgical professionals is a part of the largest surgeon-owned oral surgery practice in the U.S. You’re in the best possible hands. If you need an emergency wisdom tooth removal or other extraction, we’ll guide you through the process with compassion and knowledge. We advocate for dental implants when patients lose teeth and work diligently to help you through your dental issues.

Contact Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery

Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery provides comprehensive oral and facial services. We can help you with dental emergencies, such as extractions, and we’re always here to answer your questions. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Providing Specialty Surgical
Services to Atlanta Since 1980