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Oral & Facial Surgery in Metro Atlanta

When you need oral and facial surgical solutions in the Metro Atlanta area, contact the seasoned team at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery. We will schedule you a consultation with one of our skilled doctors to discuss treatment options and any other questions you may have. Once we have all the details figured out, your next appointment will likely be a surgical one. Having any oral surgery – whether it’s teeth removal, dental implants placed, or cosmetic or corrective facial surgery – these significant procedures can often affect the entire body. It will take several days for your body to recover fully, and our team will set you up with the support and knowledge to ensure your recovery from oral surgery is as comfortable and rapid as possible. Please keep reading to learn more about our surgical solutions or give us a call now.

doctor with patient Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery

Metro Atlanta’s Premier Oral & Facial Surgery Team

We understand choosing the right surgeon to trust with your oral and facial needs can be a challenging experience, so we genuinely appreciate the confidence you have shown by selecting AOFS. We are committed to providing you with the best care possible, and we welcome you to contact the office to discuss your concerns or questions about any aspect of your treatment.

What to Know

To help make the entire process more seamless, our team has taken the time to put together this step-by-step guide to help patients care for themselves before and after surgery. We urge you to follow it carefully, as these practices can significantly help reduce any discomfort and promote rapid, uncomplicated healing. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Since we perform many surgeries under intravenous (IV) anesthesia, pre-operative consultation and physical examination are mandatory before surgery.
  • We ask that you please not have anything to eat or drink eight hours prior to your surgery.
  • Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Tops should be short-sleeved.
  • You MUST HAVE a companion to drive you home and stay with you after surgery.
  • Please alert the office right away if you have any changes in your medications or health history before your surgery.
  • An agreed portion of your surgical costs are due at the time of surgery. If you cannot make the payment on the day of surgery, call our office prior to your surgery to make alternative payment plans.

Providing Specialty Surgical
Services to Atlanta Since 1980
