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Meet Dr. Salman

Atlanta, GA

Dental School: University of Michigan

Medical School: University of Kentucky

Residency: University of Kentucky

Surgical Interests: Orthognathic surgery, facial trauma, surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, dentoalveolar surgery and dental implant reconstruction


Dr. Salman joined Atlanta Oral and Facial Surgery in September 2023, where he brings his exceptional expertise to the private practice setting. As an associate professor and residency program director at the University of Florida Health – Jacksonville, Dr. Salman’s extensive background is marked by a commitment to education, research, and clinical excellence.

After completing his dental education at the University of Michigan, Dr. Salman pursued medical school and residency training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. Following the successful completion of his residency, he transitioned to a full-time faculty position at UF-Jacksonville Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery before joining the esteemed team at Atlanta Oral and Facial Surgery.

Within the private practice setting, Dr. Salman’s focus encompasses a range of specialized services, including the management of facial trauma, orthognathic surgery, surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, dentoalveolar surgery and dental implant reconstruction. His expertise contributes significantly to the practice’s commitment to delivering high-quality patient care in the metro Atlanta area.

In addition to his clinical pursuits, Dr. Salman has taken on the role of the sole editor of a recent textbook on the management of obstructive sleep apnea and co-editor of an Atlas on zygomatic implants. He has been an invited speaker nationally and internationally in the field of orthognathic surgery. His extensive publication record includes over 20 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 13 book chapters, reflecting his dedication to advancing the field. Dr. Salman also serves as a board examiner for the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

At Atlanta Oral and Facial Surgery, Dr. Salman continues to exemplify excellence, blending his academic background with the personalized care offered in a private practice setting, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care in the dynamic and innovative field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Dr. Salman practices out of the Calhoun office and at theĀ Acworth office.

Dr. Salman Reviews

Providing Specialty Surgical
Services to Atlanta Since 1980