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Cartersville, GA Oral Surgery Office


12 Bowens Ct
Cartersville, GA 30120



Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Request an Appointment

Doctors Practicing at the Cartersville Office

Dr. Abtin Etezadi at our Cartersville office specializes in a wide array of procedures including wisdom tooth and other extractions, dental implants, bone grafting, oral pathology and facial reconstruction. Using the latest in technology and staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, our focus is on reducing anxiety, keeping patients informed and providing exceptional care every step of the way.

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Simple Driving Directions

From 75:

Take 75 to exit 290, Hwy 20

Head west on Hwy 20 until it dead ends into Tennessee St.

Turn left onto Tennessee St.

Go through 2 lights

After 2nd light, turn left onto Collins Dr. (past movie theater)

Turn right onto Bowen Ct. (past Body Plex)

Our office is the 3rd building on the right

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Patient Testimonials

Say Hello to Experienced Oral Surgeons in Cartersville, GA

Dr. Abtin Etezadi  specializes in many procedures at our Cartersville, GA practice. Our experienced oral surgeons provide wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, oral pathology, facial reconstruction, bone grafting, and more. Dedicated to keeping you informed every step of the way, we’re here to answer any questions before or after your procedure. Reach out to us today to request a consultation. We make online patient registration a breeze at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery.

Dental Implants Offer Many Benefits for Our Georgia Patients

Have you heard about the benefits of dental implants? Not only do they look and feel like your natural teeth, but they also restore functionality. It’s no wonder they’re considered the diamonds among tooth replacement options by patients and doctors alike. If you’re missing teeth, schedule a consultation with our doctors to determine if dental implants are a good match for your lifestyle.

Safe, Gentle Wisdom Teeth Removal at Our Cartersville Office

Our oral surgeons in Cartersville have provided countless wisdom teeth extractions over the years. Most people have their wisdom teeth come in by their teen or early adult years. The human mouth is meant to hold 28 teeth, so these extra four can create a host of issues. Experience safe, gentle care for your wisdom teeth removal needs at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery. Schedule a consultation today.

General Anesthesia Is Recommended for Most of Our Procedures

Oral surgeries require patients to be calm and relaxed, so our surgeons can get you in and out quickly and safely. Our Cartersville office offers nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and intravenous (IV) and oral sedation. General anesthesia is recommended for most of our patients and procedures. Learn more.

Have a Misaligned Jaw? Consider Facial Reconstruction Surgery

Many patients with misaligned jaws benefit from facial reconstruction surgery. Ignoring a misaligned jaw can lead to breathing, speech, and chewing problems. Let our oral surgeons take a look at your jaw with a complete exam and x-rays to determine if this type of surgery is right for you.

Bone Grafting Aids Dental Implant Placement for Many Patients

You can now restore the functionality and aesthetic appearance of your smile through bone grafting and dental implants. Bone grafts are obtained through a tissue bank or from your own bone. Through guided bone regeneration, we can grow bone where needed, including your jawbone. Call for more details.

Have a Question About Oral Pathology? Turn to the Experts

Monthly self-exams and being able to recognize the warning signs of oral cancer could save your life. If you have unusual reddish or whitish patches, lumps, or bleeding sores inside your mouth, you may be at risk. Please don’t ignore these symptoms. Reach out to our oral pathology experts for a consultation.

Our Cartersville Office Has Surgical & Non-Surgical Procedures

Surgery is not all we provide at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery. Our Cartersville office also provides many non-surgical procedures, including sleep apnea treatments. Schedule an appointment today!