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Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, is an important part of the field of maxillofacial surgery, offering hope for individuals grappling with complex dental and skeletal abnormalities. This specialized surgical approach is designed to rectify issues that cannot be adequately addressed through orthodontic treatments alone, such as braces. By realigning the jaws and teeth, orthognathic surgery not only enhances the function of these essential structures but also significantly elevates the aesthetic dimension, providing patients with a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

Introduction to Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery is a collaborative process that requires the expertise of a multidisciplinary team, including oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, and at times, additional dental and medical professionals. This customized surgical process is tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient, to alleviate functional challenges tied to jaw misalignment. Common afflictions addressed by this surgery include difficulties in chewing, persistent jaw pain, obstructive sleep apnea, and other related conditions.

Conditions Treated by Orthognathic Surgery

Dentist explaining tooth x-rays to a patient in Atlanta, GA
There are many different conditions that can be treated with Orthognathic surgery:

  • Underbites and Overbites – These conditions manifest as pronounced discrepancies between the upper and lower jaws, leading to biting and chewing anomalies that can restrict daily life.
  • Cross Bites and Open Bites – These misalignments can cause uneven wear on teeth and can significantly impair speech, complicating basic communication.
  • Facial Asymmetry – An uneven growth of the jaws can cast a shadow on one’s facial balance, creating a noticeable disparity in appearance that orthognathic surgery can help to improve.
  • Chronic Jaw or TMJ Pain. – Jaw misalignment can exert excessive stress on the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), resulting in pain and functional limitations that can diminish one’s quality of life.
  • Sleep Apnea – In some cases, realigning the jaws through surgery can pave the way for improved airway flow, thereby enhancing respiratory function during sleep.

The Orthognathic Surgery Process

The process of orthognathic surgery involves several stages:

  • Pre-Surgical Orthodontics – This preparatory phase often includes orthodontic treatment aimed at aligning teeth into an ideal position for surgery. Spanning an average of 12 to 18 months, this stage is critical for optimizing surgical outcomes.
  • Surgical Procedure – Conducted under general anesthesia, the surgery could last for several hours, depending on the complexity of the individual case. Strategic incisions in the gums and jawbones enable their repositioning to achieve the desired alignment.
  • Recovery and Healing – The post-surgical period may involve some swelling and discomfort, requiring adherence to a regimented diet and follow-up care to foster optimal healing.
  • Post-Surgical Orthodontics – After the healing phase, additional orthodontic treatment may be required to refine tooth alignment and secure a proper bite, ensuring the longevity of the surgical outcome.

Benefits of Orthognathic Surgery

The benefits of orthognathic surgery go beyond just improving how you look; they have a big impact on how well your jaw works and how you feel about yourself by providing these benefits:

  • Improved Functionality – The correction of jaw misalignment through surgery can greatly improve the fundamental functions of chewing, speech, and respiration, thereby elevating the patient’s daily experience.
  • Pain Relief – A significant number of patients report relief from the chronic discomfort and headaches associated with TMJ disorders following surgery.
  • Improved Appearance – By achieving a more symmetrical and balanced facial structure through surgery, patients can receive a boost in self-esteem and overall psychological well-being.
  • Long-Term Oral Health – The alignment of jaws and teeth facilitated by orthognathic surgery simplifies oral hygiene, reducing the risk of future dental complications.

Orthognathic surgery represents a technologically advanced intervention in dental and medical science, offering a comprehensive solution to individuals with complex jaw-related challenges. This procedure not only relieves functional impairments but also allows for significant aesthetic improvements, ultimately enhancing the patient’s quality of life. For those contemplating this transformative surgery, you’re encouraged to engage with seasoned professionals to gain a thorough understanding of the surgical process, anticipated outcomes, and the commitment required for post-operative care. With careful planning and dedicated aftercare, orthognathic surgery can provide patients with improved health, functionality, and self-confidence.

Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery stands out for its exceptional approach to complex surgical care, trusted by patients and dentists nationwide. As the largest oral surgery team in the country, we deliver a seamless and committed patient experience aimed at providing peace of mind and confidence in our high-quality outcomes, emphasizing the significance of oral health in the quality of life.

For more information about our practice, or to schedule an appointment, contact us via our website or give us a call at 877-269-2637.