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Johns Creek Oral Surgery Office


3895 Johns Creek Parkway, Suite C
Suwanee, GA 30024



Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Request an Appointment

Doctors Practicing at the Johns Creek Office

Dr. Erik Belinfante and Dr. Richard Meaders at our Johns Creek office specialize in a wide array of procedures including wisdom tooth and other extractions, dental implants, bone grafting, oral pathology and facial reconstruction. Using the latest in technology and staying on the leading edge of clinical updates, our focus is on reducing anxiety, keeping patients informed and providing exceptional care every step of the way.

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Simple Driving Directions

From 400:

Take 400 to exit 10, Old Milton Pkwy.

Head east on Old Milton Pkwy. for @2.4 miles

Turn left onto Kimball Bridge Rd., go @1.3 miles

Turn left onto Jones Bridge Rd., go @.5 miles

Turn right onto Sargent Rd., go @1.6 miles

Sargent Rd. turns into McGinnis Ferry Rd., go @.6 more miles

Cross over Peachtree Pkwy., go @.3 miles

Turn left onto Johns Creek Pkwy.

Our office building is the 3895 Northside Johns Creek Building and is located on the right.

From 85:

Take 85 to exit 111, Suwanee

Head west on Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd., go @.6 miles

Turn left onto Satellite Blvd., go @1 mile

Turn right onto McGinnis Ferry Rd., go @6.3 miles

Turn right onto Johns Creek Pkwy.

Our office building is the 3895 Northside Johns Creek Building and is located on the right.

Get Directions


Patient Testimonials

Welcome to Our Johns Creek Oral Surgery Office in Suwanee, GA

For patients needing oral surgery in Suwanee, GA, it doesn’t get any safer than Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery. Dr. Erik Belinfante, Dr. Richard Meaders, and the rest of our Johns Creek office staff take exceptional care of our patients every step of the way. Since 1980, we’ve been a premier Atlanta oral surgery provider with over 20 state-of-the-art offices. Keeping up with technology and clinical care, our office provides everything from wisdom teeth removal to bone grafting, dental implants, and facial reconstruction. Reach out to us today to request an appointment. You can count on us to keep you well-informed to reduce any anxiety before and after your procedure.

Dental Implants Offer a Permanent Replacement Option

Dental implant surgery is one of our specialties in our Johns Creek office. Made of titanium, dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth for a permanent replacement for missing teeth. You won’t be afraid to smile, chew, or speak in public with dental implants. If you have severe jawbone deterioration, you may need bone grafting first. Discuss your options with our doctors today.

Wisdom Teeth Removal to Prevent Infections, Pain, & More

There is no wisdom in ignoring the eruption of your “wisdom teeth” or third molars. They may become impacted, partially emerged between your gums and bone. Over time, impacted wisdom teeth may cause swelling, pain, infections, and even tumors or cysts. Fortunately, our oral surgeons specialize in wisdom teeth extractions in our Johns Creek office. Schedule an appointment for an exam and x-rays.

Drift into a Relaxing Twilight Sleep with General Anesthesia

If you need oral surgery, our Johns Creek office offers local and general anesthesia to ensure your comfort. You’ll drift into a relaxing “twilight sleep,” thanks to intravenous (IV) or oral sedation. We also provide nitrous oxide (laughing gas) when we need patients to breathe on their own. Most patients will have no memory of what happened during treatment.

Facial Reconstruction by Skilled Johns Creek Oral Surgeons

Facial reconstruction corrects issues caused by birth defects and traumatic facial injuries. Children born with a cleft palate usually have speech and eating problems. Jaw misalignments and fractures also tend to cause difficulties with speech and chewing. Our Johns Creek doctors are skilled oral surgeons.

Bone Grafting Encourages Bone Regeneration for Many Patients

At the forefront of emerging technology, Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery offers bone grafting to encourage bone regeneration. We’re able to grow bone where there isn’t bone, thanks to grafts taken from other body parts or tissue banks. If you have severe jawbone deterioration but desire dental implants, this may be the solution you’ve been waiting for in Johns Creek.

Oral Pathology Experts Offering Consultations in Suwanee

The oral pathology experts at our Johns Creek office are dedicated to saving lives. If you’ve experienced chronic sore throat or have a suspicious lump inside your mouth, it could indicate a cancerous growth. Don’t ignore the warning signs. Get it checked out immediately for your peace of mind and health.

Surgical & Non-Surgical Procedures in the Greater Atlanta Area

We offer both surgical and non-surgical procedures at Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery. For example, we may suggest an oral appliance for sleep apnea. Find out more when you schedule an appointment at our Johns Creek location.